

easy - authentic - personable





OH YEAH! Not only got to be back as the voice of the Kool-Aid man, but got to be the Kool-Aid man on a SUPERBOWL spot. Along with other titans in the mascot world. What a fun concept from Instacart and TBWA Chiat Day agency.

Intro voice for this great “Next Door Theatre” skit on JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE!

Class of 09 Promos on FX!

Talk about KOOL! I’ve had the pleasure of being the voice of the Kool-Aid man himself this past year. Honored to work with this iconic brand and iconic man. Not much else to say besides - “OH YEAH!”

Want the finest looking car around? Then check out the new Turtle Wax Pro Line I voiced!

Got to voice the Legendary Super Villain (in his own mind) BILLY REVENGE. Thanks so much to Adult Swim and Awesome inc for having me on.

I finally got to use my Don Pardo inspired voice in a spot! Thanks so much to my friends at Manly Bands for having me on. And if you are in search for a wedding band - I highly recommend Manly Bands. And I’m not just saying that since I was the voice ;) I’m currently wearing one of their bands right now.

Who doesn’t love a healthy stomach and some sleep?! Voice over I did for Peptiva Probiotics.

Things seem to have a way of working themselves out the way they are meant to. I've been branching out this past year in my acting capabilities to include on camera, it's a blast so far. It is way different than the voice world in that, you have o go audition in person for every role and, even if the casting directors won't admit it, you're being judged on your looks right along with your acting skills.  A few months ago I went in and auditioned for an on camera role for the part of a son. It was a fine experience and a good excuse to get out of the house at the very least! Spoiler alert: I didn't get the part. But that's A-OK because a week later the director had me do a scratch track for the voice over and the client ended up liking it so much they used it for the final! And, if I'm being honest, it's pretty cool to be able to do this part of the job from the comfort of my own home. So I present to you....the "HurryRoll".

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener. Oh wait, I guess I am now! Or at least the voice of. This is a fun spot that makes me want to take the wienermobile for a cruise all across the country. Or maybe just BBQ a hot dog this summer. Either way, this spot is for #theloveofhotdogs.


As you may or may not know, shaving isn't really my thing. I've had a beard since I was about 12. However, I got the change to do a voice over for rawshaving.com and after watching how this thing works - it almost makes me want to give this thing a go and be clean shaven! I had the pleasure of working with Thierry Denis at heliumfilms.us on this.


Animation!!! Anytime I get to be put into cartoon form it's always a joy. Through a random chain of events and a very much appreciated recommendation from the talented Joe Newman, I got connected with a friendly red bearded fella (I have a deep appreciation for red beards as you might guess) by the name of Alex Vogt. He runs a channel called Nawk Toons where he's currently working on a series called "Dawns Light".  I'm honored to play the conceited, but well meaning, Saken. Check out Episode 3 now:



I got to voice some Superbowl Ads! It was quite the surprise to me when I saw two spots for World of Tanks that I had a voice in play during the big game. I'm the first voice you hear on all three of these reads.  Shoot for the stars everyone, no joke, anything is possible. Thanks to Susie De Santiago (Agent), mekanism (Ad Agency),  Wargaming.net, M Squared Studios, Bill Corkery Productions and every other person involved in these spots. So many creative people I'm blessed to work with.

Promo read for THIS WAS A MAN by Jeffrey Archer

Fun spot for Garmin - Beat Yesterday!

This is a promo I voiced for a new series at Grace Church San Diego, its called "Put it on the Train". Video produced by Jeff Dillow. A master at his craft: http://www.jeffdillow.com/

Voice over for new App "OurPact".

Produced by the very talented Thierry Denis at Helium Films.

"Cometh the Hour" promo from author Jeffrey Archer.

A preview of a show in the works from my dear friend Mighet Matanane. I voice "Mr Peabody". He may be a little timid and unsure of himself at times, but there is more than meets the eye. Epic Bunny...coming soon


DEMOS of Voice Actor Matt Howell


