Yelling in a Suit Jacket

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The best business of all. Voice Over Business. Yes, even after 5+ years in the voice world myself, I'm still learning each and every day that this is indeed a business. I wish it was all fun and games and that I could spend 99% of my day in the booth, but that's just not the case. And most the time, I'm actually OK with that. That doesn't mean you still can't be creative when you market yourself and your business. I mean, just look at this pic, I'm a Voice Actor who people usually don't ever see, but I dressed up in a suit jacket and placed a cleverly designed cup next to me just for this post. I guess this is more just a rambling to lead to the point that - will the business side of things always be fun in a creative field? No. Will the outcome of said business ventures always be worth it in the end? YES. So, go out there and put on a suit jacket and act your way into being the best damn business man or woman you can be!  Now if you'll excuse me I have to go yell into a mic for a few hours in my suit jacket.